Happy Birthday Signature Frame

Happy Birthday Signature Frame

Happy Birthday Signature Frame

The fun way to celebrate any milestone occasion, signature numbers and frames are the perfect gift idea and occasion centrepiece! Coming with a marker for your convenience, decorate them with fun, personalised messages and they become a sentimental keepsake to commemmorate those special moments for anyone!

Comes with a marker!

Size: 27.5 x 1 x 23cm
Details: Wooden keepsake with permanent marker

Regular price $36.99
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Tax included.

The fun way to celebrate any milestone occasion, signature numbers and frames are the perfect gift idea and occasion centrepiece! Coming with a marker for your convenience, decorate them with fun, personalised messages and they become a sentimental keepsake to commemmorate those special moments for anyone!

Comes with a marker!

Size: 27.5 x 1 x 23cm
Details: Wooden keepsake with permanent marker

Our Delivery charge for New Zealand is $10.00 with the exception of over-sized items. The price for oversized items will vary between products. 

Our team aims to dispatch all orders within 24-48 hours (excluding weekends), if for some reason there is a delay on your order our friendly team will contact you to discuss and assure a satisfactory outcome.

Please allow 1-4 working days for your order to arrive with the exception of Rural Delivery.

International Shipping - We are happy to provide a price for items to be sent internationally. Email us at giftshacknz@gmail.com 

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